Multimedia Content Publishing Advantages

by Thesmania on July 7, 2014

in SEO

Multimedia content

Multimedia content online includes text, images, audio, video, and slideshows.

There are two good reasons for publishing multi-media content on your site:

1. People have different preferences for how information is presented online. Publishing content in several different forms on your site to appeal to different visitors can greatly increase your site’s readership.

2. Google indexes multi-media content. For example, it will index images and videos just like it will index text on a website. Therefore your site’s search engine rankings will improve if you include images and/or videos on your site, as long as the images and videos contain elements that Google looks for, notably keywords for SEO (search engine optimization).

Multi-media content on websites includes:

Text: written word, the most-used way to present information on the internet. Transcriptions of video and audio (see Video and Audio, below) are a newer and increasingly popular way to use text online.

Image: photos and graphics created with digital cameras, graphic software, or images from scans of printed material.

Video: screen capture (recording activity on a computer screen combined with audio, often used to create how-to videos for computer-related demos), talking head, and webinars (online seminars converted into video) are popular kinds of videos that can be used online. Videos can also be transcribed and offered in text form for people who don’t have time to watch the video and/or prefer text.

Audio: sound recordings, a popular example being podcasts which can also be transcribed and offered in text form for people who don’t have time to listen to the podcast and/or prefer text.

Slideshow: several images, including images of text, played in sequence.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

martyna July 7, 2014 at 1:09 pm

Hey Justynko

What do your websites’ visitors like to digest most? is it audio, video or text ?

Best wishes
Martyna 🙂


Thesmania July 9, 2014 at 2:11 pm

@ Martynko

Video & text


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