Starting Your Own Blog: When Can You Expect to Make Any Money?

by Thesmania on February 11, 2015

in Blogging, How to

Make money blogging

Do the following 7 things and you might make money within a few weeks to months after starting your own blog.

1. Market Research

Before you create your blog and/or a product, find out if there’s a potential interest in what you want to sell. Next, confirm that you might be able to compete with other blogs and websites that offer something similar.
Keyword research software like Market Samurai will simplify the process.

2. Build Your Blog with WordPress

To create a very customizable blog that search engines prefer with content that you have full control over, buy a domain name and hosting and install a blog on your domain.
If you don’t want to DIY, you can hire someone to customize your WordPress blog for you.

3. Include About, Contact, Privacy Policy and Testimonial Pages

Having About, Contact, Privacy Policy and testimonial pages (if applicable) will help you establish credibility with readers.

4. Create Keyword-Rich Articles

Publishing original keyword-rich (from your keyword research) articles 1-3 times a week will help search engines index (catalogue) your blog quickly so it can be found by people searching for what you’re offering.

5. Have an Opt-in

Offer visitors something free to sign up for via e-mail such as a series of tips. Don’t send out sales pitches only – readers usually see that as spammy.
Subscribers are usually a blog’s best potential customers. Ask them for feedback about products and services that you offer, or want to offer.

6. Use Traffic Generation Strategies to Promote Your Blog

Promoting your blog will help you increase traffic (the number of visitors your blog gets). You’ll learn 10 of the best methods, step-by-step, in Traffic Ten.

7. Use Analytics Software

Analytics software, like the free Google Analytics, will tell you how many visitors you’re getting in a given period of time, the keywords people used in search engines to find your blog, your most and least popular posts, and more. Use the information to improve your blog and promotion strategies.

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